Teaching Aids
You can prepare simple teaching aids related to the teaching point by using waste materials and low cost materials.
1. Simple Strips
You can also take the help of your students in preparing the teaching aids.
For example,
Lesson Plan Six - sample sentences with adverbs
Remove the bulb carefully. Laugh loudly.
Read this paragraph quickly. Cry loudly.
Turn around slowly. Snore loudly.
These can be written on strips of paper. Students can also write their own sentences on strips. The lower level students can take sentences from the workbook where they are matching verbs with adverbs and giving instructions.
The students can be divided into groups. One person from the group can pick up a chit, mime the activity and the others can guess the sentence. Each group will get 10 marks for guessing the sentences.
It will take only a few minutes to prepare this teaching aid, students can prepare their own strips and add to your collection. You can make your class quite interesting with this simple teaching aid.
Students can also work on different activities, according to their need and interest, if such strips are available.